Profile picture of Andrey Nedzelnitkii
Join the Street Photography Contest

About me

born in 1981, by profession - engineer, member of the Union of Photographers of Ukraine


Saleswoman “penny goods”
Saleswoman “penny goods”
Kiev, Ukraine
men’s conversation
men’s conversation
Kyiv, Ukraine, 02000
market rhythm
market rhythm
Kyiv, Ukraine, 02000
leader’s gaze
leader’s gaze
Kyiv, Ukraine, 02000
Entrance to the Petrovka market
Entrance to the Petrovka market
Kyiv, Ukraine, 02000
Kyiv, Ukraine, 02000
“Instrument of the USSR period”
“Instrument of the USSR period”
Kyiv, Ukraine, 02000
Satisfied seller
Satisfied seller
Kyiv, Ukraine, 02000
Kyiv, Ukraine, 02000

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