Profile picture of Liliana Ranalletta
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About me

Gruaduated in Modern Literature, she studied photography in Rome with some internationally renowned professionals as Augusto Pieroni, Dario de Dominicis, Claudio Palmisano and Dario Coletti. Street photographer for vocation she explored, before approaching this specific discipline, differnt types of photography passing throught the macrophotography to the social photography and producing, in these areas, works that have contributed to increase her observatory skills as well as being object of interest for juries of National and International awards. In the centre of her research “street life”, that over the years has generated a collection of pictures and experiences focused on the relationship between the spaces of the metropolis and the people who live there. Architecture, study of the territory but above all man are the themes that characterize her shots. Over recent years as well as winning several awards in International competitions she gave birth to two books : “The fabulous destiny of Dainaly” edited by the photoeditor Irene Alison and “I sogni li spendo per strada” edited by the photographer Dario Coletti.
Broken traffic light
Broken traffic light
London - Oxford St. - Soho St.
Man in the painting
Man in the painting
Roma - Porta Portese
Two peacocks
Two peacocks
Royal Botanic Gardens Kew

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