Profile picture of Luciano Tassone
Join the Street Photography Contest

About me

At the end of the 1960s, in my father's dark room, I witnessed the slow magic of becoming the image that was revealed in the development tank. My first machine was a Yashica FRII accompanied by a 50 and a 135 mm and a lot of dark room. I was 21 years old. Later I also bought a Zenza Bronica Sqb 6x6. In the following years, work and family commitments led me to use the camera more as a testimony as a memorial of situations lived without any objective or project. For two or three years I have been shooting with more awareness. When I look through the lens, I am looking for spaces within which to "lay out" things and people. The shots that match me and in which I look for a resemblance, are splinters of a world that I love to pack to my pleasure; the world I want. I look for fragments of space-time that communicate energy, attraction but also the non-"said", the not "shown". The images must be looked at and considered, they must be discovered, they must be able to "read" slowly like a book, a book of poems. That's what I'm trying to do.


Naples, Metropolitan City of Naples, Italy - Spanish Quarters
Melting Pop
Melting Pop
Naples, Metropolitan City of Naples, Italy - Spanish Quarters
A difficult choise
A difficult choise
Naples, Metropolitan City of Naples, Italy - Quartieri Spagnoli
Coming and Going
Coming and Going
Grand Central Terminal - New York - 2017
Nice - Park Du Paillon Fontain du mirroir d'eau
Nice - Park Du Paillon Fontain du mirroir d'eau
Waiting for
Waiting for
Gand - Belgio - 2018
Perspective in 2D
Perspective in 2D
San Francisco, CA, USA

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