Profile picture of Mohammed Echakiri
Join the Street Photography Contest

About me

I am a 19-year-old student who currently lives in the Netherlands. I picked up a camera when I was 15 years old, and I haven't let go since. I started shooting 35mm film at an early stage and have continued doing so. Now and then I like to throw in digital whenever film rolls tends to get high in price. My photography is mostly focused on street photography. I cannot explain why, but street photography is the type of art form that allows me to be completely myself and to capture the atmosphere of the single moment on the street. My passion for photography has been a significant part of my life for several years now, and it has become an essential creative outlet for me. My journey as a photographer has just begun, and I am most definitely excited to see where it takes me in the future.


Crosswalk happiness
Crosswalk happiness
Calais, France
Chilling on the beach
Chilling on the beach
Calais, France
Maastricht, Netherlands

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