Omnar Lenses and Skyllanney Opto-Mechanics Convert Any Lens to M-Mount

Omnar Lenses has announced a partnership with Skyllaney Opto-Mechanics to offer a new one-off service that will turn any non-rangefinder lens into a rangefinder coupled M-Mount lens.

“The conversion service provides full RF coupling from 0.67m to Infinity and takes advantage of the Omnar lens platform that was developed for the batch conversion of lenses such as the Canon 26mm f/6 optic that was used to produce Omnar CN26-6,” Hamish Gill, co-founder of Omnar Lenses, says.

“Skylanney Opto-Mechanics are offering this service to customers who either have a working lens that they would prefer to use on an M-mount camera or who have lenses with various mechanical issues that could be fixed by changing the mount and focusing helical.”

The service uses the Omnar lens platform previously used for batch conversion lenses, like the Canon 26mm f/6 to produce the Omnar CN26-6. However, rather than a batch conversion, the new service is a one-off for customers with a working lens they’d like converted to work on an M-mount camera. The service is also available for a non-operational lens that would work with a new mount and focusing helical.

The Omnar lens platform is capable of converting optical blocks from lenses with 8mm to 52.4mm in focal length. This includes, but is not limited to lenses such as the 42mm Summar, 50mm Sonnar, 28mm Tessar, 35mm Biometar, 40mm Rollei, 21mm Biogon.

Omnar describes the process as slightly different for each lens, but all conversions will reverse engineer the optical block to extract the lens formula. Afterward, the lens mechanics and design will be rehoused into the Omnar lens platform, which includes a high-precision, all brass helicoid system that is designed and manufactured int he United Kingdom. Omnar says that it uses high precision calculation and machining to ensure rangefinder coupling from 0.67 meters to Infinity for M, VM and ZM bayonet rangefinder cameras.

The Omnar lens platform conversion service starts at £1,249, which is just under $1,600 USD at current conversions. This price includes your choice of in-house finish. Certain optical blocks that require complex engineering solutions will increase the price. Professional full lens re-paints are available through Camerakote in Staffordshire, England, for an additional cost. Removal of fungus and haze and ultrasonic cleaning are charged additionally. The conversions typically require 8-12 weeks once your lens is received.

More info on Skyllaney Opto-Mechanics’ website.

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